Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Day 23 - bad night, good morning

Last night was probably one of the worst I've had in a while. I couldn't sleep, was dealing with personal struggles, and not feeling well. After milling around on my laptop in bed at about 11, I got up and went downstairs in bed with my mom. I cried like a baby. I just had such a horrible night and I just wanted to sleep so bad, so it could be over. I kept thinking "God just bring me the morning light.", but I was still there in the dark night. But what's that thing they always say? Oh yeah:

"Weeping may endure for a night,
but Joy Comes in The Morning."

Psalm 30:5

And yes, it did. I finally went to bed around 2 a.m. and arose promptly at 8 for my 8:15 walk with one of my best friends. And even though I was sore, tired, and feeling weak, the walk was AMAZING! I wore my new collegiate beanie, and got all gussied up in cold weather gear for the cold Texas morning. It was awesome! And we walked 1.5 miles this morning! Yessss!

Thinking about my personal struggles, I'm sure many of you have some as well. I'd just like to remind you to keep peace and faith. Remember that struggles only last a little while, and always make you stronger.

I hope you have a terrific tuesday (:

- Posted using my iPhone


  1. In our weakness, He is strong!!! It really is all about Him. If only we could live that way day in and day out...I struggle too!

  2. thank you kathy and dawne! your encouragement means so much to me.
